The Rationing Lastresort: How Rationing Is Used as a Last Resort

Rationing is the process of allocating limited resources among competing uses. It has been used throughout history and remains a viable option when there are more demands for goods and services than what can be supplied. In this blog post, let’s take a look at how rationing works as a last resort in times of crisis.

What Is Rationing?

Rationing is the systematic way to allocate scarce resources by distributing them among competing needs and uses. This method is usually employed in times of emergency or crisis when there are more demands for goods and services than what can be supplied. It ensures that those who most need the resources—such as food, fuel, or medical supplies—can access them quickly and equitably.

How Does Rationing Work?

Rationing works by setting limits on how much of a certain resource each person can have and distributing it fairly among all citizens. This process helps to prevent hoarding of resources, which can lead to shortages for those who most need it. Additionally, ration cards are often issued to individuals so that they can access their allocated share of the resource without having to wait in long lines or face other barriers.

Who Benefits Most From Rationing?

In times of crisis, rationing benefits those who need access to resources the most; such as low-income families, elderly people, people with special needs, etc. The ration system ensures that everyone gets an equitable share of the limited supply instead of leaving some people with nothing while others hoard resources they don’t even need. Furthermore, rationing helps ensure that essential services remain up and running during emergencies; such as hospitals and other health care facilities needing medical supplies or utilities such as electric companies needing fuel supplies.


In conclusion, rationing is a quick and effective solution for distributing scarce resources during times of emergency or crisis when demand far outpaces supply. By providing equitable access to these limited resources, rationing ensures that everyone gets their fair share while preventing hoarding by those who don’t really need it. Most importantly though, it provides vital support for those who need it most; such as low-income families or individuals with special needs who may not have access to these resources without the aid of this system. For all these reasons, rationing remains an important tool for managing crises efficiently and effectively.

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