A Quick Checklist of Industrial Hygiene Obligations for Buildings 50+ Years Old

In many ways, old buildings are beautiful and unique. They continue to deteriorate over time because of weather conditions and excessive use. It is important that you schedule annual or semiannual inspections and checks as the facility manager to avoid the building becoming a potential health hazard. This helps prevent costly repairs and life-threatening damage to the building.

Occupational Hygiene | Greencap

It is easy to identify all areas of occupational hygienist Sydney that require attention with a preventative maintenance check list. Continue reading to find out more.

The Roof

Roofs are exposed to many things, as they connect the interior with the exterior of the building. The roof of a building that is more than 50 years old, and has not been changed in this time frame is probably too old. It is important to check the roof for materials such as copper, slates, tar and terne.

Roofs can also contain asbestos, a potentially dangerous substance. They can cause asbestosis or pleural thicknessing if they come into contact with humans. On the roof, you can find biological waste like moss and mold. You may also see dead insects or birds. A professional cleaning service can eliminate these compounds from the roof, ensuring a clean and healthy environment.

Interior Spaces

Walls, ceilings, doors and windows are all interior spaces. These areas, even if they appear spotless, can contain dangerous compounds, especially if the original paint still contains lead. Lead is used to paint woodwork, such as doors, windows and furniture.

It can cause serious problems to the kidneys, brain, and nerves. It may even lead to infertility. The paint on your interiors will show if it contains lead. It does not peel, but rather cracks into distinct rectangles.

Electrical and Heating Systems

Electrical and heating systems will only be replaced or repaired if they fail. This should not be the case if you live in an older building. You can be exposed to carbon monoxide if you use electrical equipment like boilers which have not been maintained or repaired for many years.

Silent killer gas is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon-based fuels. The best way to determine if this gas is present in a building is to inspect the electrical and heating system.

Plumbing System

Plumbing systems, like the electrical system should be checked even if there are no obvious problems. Mold and mildew can be caused by a leak in the plumbing, which could threaten the foundation of the building. Mold can also cause allergic symptoms such as watery eyes and a sneeze.

The inspection of the plumbing system also ensures that there are no leaks in the sewage systems. These leaks may have negative health effects for the building’s occupants.

Basements and Crawlspace

Basements are prone to flooding and excess moisture. This can promote the growth of mould if not addressed. Asbestos, which is dispersed in the air, can be found in the basement. This increases the risk for diseases such as cancer. Basements of old buildings, especially those that are not well maintained, may contain lead or other microorganisms.


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